Organised crime still a major challenge for EU internal security
These threats are outlined in the EU Commission’s annual report on the implementation of its internal security strategy (ISS), just released.
It highlights areas under each of the objectives of the strategy (2011-2014) where member states and EU agencies should pay particular attention.
"One of the major threats to our internal security is organised crime and its detrimental effects on the European economy and the security of the European citizens. To go after the money, to disrupt organised criminal networks and reclaim the proceeds of crime, continues to be a key aim of the EU’s strategy," said Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.
The second annual report highlights progress in the following areas:
• The fight against organised crime, including the Commission proposed new rules for more effective and widespread confiscation of funds and other property acquired through crime;
• Terrorism and radicalisation, where the EU has established common rules on the use and marketing of explosive precursors that ensure member states have the same degree of control over these chemicals, preventing terrorists and criminals from taking advantage of legal loopholes;
• Cybercrime, including the creation of the European Cybercrime Centre at Europol in early 2013. Another strategic initiative undertaken in 2012 was the launch of the global alliance against child sexual abuse online with 48 countries joining at first;
• Border management – in December 2011 the Commission presented a legislative proposal for a European border surveillance system and in early 2013 it adopted two legislative proposals for an entry/exit system (EES) and a registered traveller programme (RTP), also known as the ‘smart borders package’;
• Crisis and disaster management, including the proposal for the implementation arrangements for the solidarity clause, put forward in December 2012, that will provide a framework for situations of extraordinary threat or damage that overwhelm the response capacities of the affected member state(s).
This year, as a concrete follow-up to the priorities identified in the ISS, the Commission will, amongst other measures, publish the first EU anti-corruption report, including recommendations for member states; propose a directive on criminal penalties for money laundering; implement the EU cybersecurity strategy for the European Union and support, develop and expand the global alliance against child sexual abuse online; update the EU approach to counter violent extremism by developing a European ‘toolbox’ based on best practices in the member states; and develop a political initiative to combat illicit trafficking in firearms.
An online public consultation has just been launched on what more the EU should be doing to tackle the risk of firearms.