UK built space rocket set to make the planets reachable
Image courtesy Pulsar
Pulsar Fusion’s ‘Sunbird’ concept could redefine space travel and reaffirm the UK’s position in advanced space technology. Created exclusively by Pulsar’s in-house team, Sunbird represents a radical departure from conventional space propulsion designs, with the potential to cut mission times to Mars by half and unlock a new era of interplanetary travel for international partners.
While Sunbird is a standalone development, Pulsar Fusion’s track record includes multiple government-backed projects, such as its 2023 UK Space Agency-funded work on integrated nuclear fission power systems for electric propulsion, supported by institutions like the Universities of Southampton and Cambridge.
These technical achievements highlight the company’s growing influence in the field of advanced propulsion — and with Sunbird, Pulsar aims to remind the world that Britain remains a hub of strategic innovation and scientific excellence.
A video released today on Pulsar Fusion’s website, offers the first detailed glimpse of Sunbird, showcasing its distinctive alien-like design and unique operational concept. In the demonstration, Sunbirds are shown attaching to large space vehicles, towing them across vast distances towards Mars. Unlike traditional propulsion systems, these heavily shielded fusion craft would remain stationed in space, ready to deploy and assist missions for any international partners the UK chooses to support.
Pulsar Fusion is rapidly advancing toward in-orbit testing, with components of the system’s power supply set for demonstration later this year and ambitions to achieve nuclear fusion in space as early as 2027.
As global interest in nuclear propulsion intensifies, Pulsar’s momentum is turning heads worldwide, helping to position the UK space industry at the forefront of this emerging frontier.
Pulsar Fusion’s CEO - Richard Dinan commented: “I expect that, as of today, Sunbird is already being closely analysed by our global competitors. Pulsar has built a reputation in this industry for delivering real technology — not just talking about it.
“We’ve recently commissioned not one but two of the largest space propulsion testing chambers in the UK, if not all of Europe.
“Pulsar is now an international space propulsion testing powerhouse and we have ambitious plans to grow rapidly from here. We actively welcome visits from appropriate partners and prospective international clients and I look forward to sharing more exciting developments we have in the pipeline.”