Sonardyne’s Sentinel IDS enhances Rheinmetall's port and harbour force protection
Above: Sonardyne’s Sentinel Intruder Detection Sonar (IDS) provides reliable detection of underwater threats in the acoustically hostile environment of a seaport, harbour or marine terminal.
Rheinmetall Canada has already ordered its first Sentinel IDS for a customer as part of an integrated asset protection system.
Sentinel is the most widely deployed IDS in the market, providing reliable detection, tracking and classification of underwater intruders, from divers to unmanned vehicles, even in acoustically hostile harbour and port environments. It is easy to integrate and able to detect divers out to 900 metres and swimmer delivery vehicles to up to 1,500 metres, in real-time. It can also be deployed in a wide range of configurations, from pillar mounted to surveillance or patrol vessel deployment and from seafloor based mounts to harbour wall deployment.
Sentinel IDS is also scalable. Individual and multiple Sentinel IDS sonar heads can be co-ordinated from a single command and control station, which can be seamlessly integrated into existing centralised security management systems.
Dan Zatezalo, Technical Sales Manager – US Maritime and Defense, at Sonardyne Inc., said: “Intruder detection is changing. It’s not just divers that port and harbour infrastructure owners now have to worry about, it’s the increasing range of underwater unmanned vehicles (UUVs). Sentinel offers a proven, reliable, commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) technology, widely deployed across ports, harbours, marine terminals, naval ships and floating oil production facilities across the world.”
Pietro Mazzei, vice-president, from Rheinmetall Canada noted: “As a leader in C2 and critical infrastructure protection we continue to enhance our solution by adding sub-surface detection and identification capabilities and are pleased to include Sonardyne’s Sentinel IDS system as part of our offering.”
Sonardyne Inc. is part of Sonardyne International Ltd., the Hampshire headquartered designer and manufacturer of underwater acoustic positioning, inertial navigation, wireless communications and sonar technology systems for the offshore oil and gas, ocean scientific and maritime security industries.