Collins Aerospace to participate in EU SESAR projects
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The SESAR 3 JU aims to accelerate the delivery of the Digital European Sky through the development of new technologies to manage conventional aircraft, drones, air taxis and vehicles flying at higher altitudes.
As part of the initiative, Collins will work with the air traffic management value chain, including air navigation service providers, airlines, aircraft OEMs, system providers and academia to help create new innovations in key technology focus areas such as connectivity, U-space, trajectory-based operations, airport solutions, autonomy and data services. Collins will lead the JARVIS (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) project that will leverage artificial intelligence-based technologies to increase automation in the flight deck and control tower operations as a way to reduce pilot and operator workload while enhancing safety and security.
"Collins has decades of experience in avionics and air traffic management that we will bring to bear under the EU's SESAR 3 JU as we work with our industry partners to chart the future of the European sky," said Mauro Atalla, senior vice president, Engineering & Technology for Collins. "Together, we will develop new solutions that will form the foundation of a future system that is more efficient, safe and secure."
Below is a full list of the SESAR research projects Collins has been selected to participate in. Collins' Applied Research and Technology (ART) organisation will work in collaboration with the company's Avionics and Connected Aviation Solutions strategic business units to support the projects from Collins' sites across France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the UK.
- CNS DSP (Demonstration of a CNS Data Service Provision)
- ECHO 2 (European Concept for Higher Altitude Operations Phase 2)
- ENSURE (atm-uspacE iNterface and airSpace reconfigURation sErvice)
- JARVIS (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System)
- FCDI (Future Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure)
- NETWORK TBO (Network Trajectory-Based Operations)
- SEC-AIRSPACE (Cyber SECurity Risk Assessment in virtualised AIRSPACE scenarios)
- SPATIO (u-Space sePAraTIOn management)