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50 engineering leaders become RAEng Fellows

In this Year of Engineering, 50 leading engineers from the UK and around the world have been elected as Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) in recognition of their outstanding and continuing contributions to the profession.

The 50 new Fellows will be formally admitted to the Academy at its AGM in London today, in addition to four International Fellows and one Honorary Fellow, who will add their expertise to the Fellowship of nearly 1,600 world-leading engineers from both industry and academia.
The new Fellows include Air Vice-Marshal Susan Gray CB OBE, one of the most senior woman in the British military, who has been elected in recognition of her outstanding contributions to military engineering. Systems Engineer Peter Lomas, who designed the hardware for the Raspberry Pi is also recognised, alongside ground engineering expert and government energy advisor Professor Rebecca Lunn MBE.


James O'Callaghan, Founding Director of Eckersley O'Callaghan, is known for his leading expertise in the design of glass structures and his work with Apple has enabled the brand’s global flagship stores to occupy extraordinary glass structures.
The UK’s fast-growing space sector is also represented with the inclusion of Professor Guglielmo Aglietti, Director of Surrey Space Centre, and serial space-entrepreneur Rob Spurrett, Director of Cherry Space Ltd. Leading technologists also make the list, including robotics engineer Dr Barry Lennox, who heads the largest nuclear robotics research group in the UK at the University of Manchester.
Industry leaders joining the Fellowship include Sir George Buckley, Chairman of Stanley Black & Decker; Paul McKinlay, Senior Vice President and Head of Airbus’s Broughton Plant; and Dr Graham Hoare OBE, Director of Global Vehicle Evaluation and Verification at Ford Motor Company.
Other small and medium sized companies are represented by Brian Palmer, CEO of production design and manufacturing firm, Tharsus; David Johnson, railway engineer and founder of railway gauging company, DGauge; and Andy Ward, CTO at logistics and real-time location experts, Ubisense.
The Academy has elected Professor Frances Arnold from the California Institute of Technology; Professor Zhenya Liu, Chairman of the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), China; Dr Heung-Yeung (Harry) Shum of Microsoft Corporation and Professor Ji Zhou, former President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering as International Fellows, in recognition of their outstanding international engineering achievements.
Philip Greenish CBE, former CEO of the Royal Academy of Engineering, is awarded an Honorary Fellowship for providing outstanding leadership to UK engineering for the last 14 years, transforming the impact of the Academy and the effectiveness of the engineering profession.
Professor Dame Ann Dowling OM DBE FREng FRS, President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, said: “I am delighted to welcome all our new Fellows to the Academy - together they represent the very best of UK engineering. Representing the country’s most innovative and creative minds from both academia and industry, the achievements of our new Fellows highlight the critical role engineering has in addressing major societal challenges and ensuring our readiness for the future. We are very much looking forward to working with them in the future as we continue to fulfil our vision of engineering at the heart of a sustainable and prosperous society.” 
The complete list of new Fellows for 2018 is as follows:
•    Professor Guglielmo Aglietti
Director, Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey
•    Dr Paul Atherton
Chairman, Nexeon Ltd; Phase Focus Ltd; FungiAlert Ltd
•    Professor Christopher Atkin
Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, City University London
•    Fawaz Bitar
Head of Global Operations, BP plc
•    Mark Bennett
Strategy Director - Government, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence
•    Sir George Buckley
Chairman, Stanley Black & Decker Inc; Smiths Group plc
•    Dr Mark Buswell
Vice President and Head of Discovery, GSK
•    Mark Carne
Former Chief Executive, Network Rail
•    Professor Judith Driscoll
Professor of Materials Science, University of Cambridge
•    Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte FRS
Chief Scientific Adviser, Ministry of Defence
•    Professor Robert Dwyer-Joyce
Professor of Lubrication Engineering, University of Sheffield
•    Trevor Gill
Telecommunications consultant
•    Air Vice-Marshal Susan Gray CB OBE
Air Officer Commanding No. 38 Group, Royal Air Force
•    Professor Timothy Green
Director of the Energy Futures Lab, Imperial College London
•    Professor Yike Guo
Director of Data Science Institute and Professor of Computing Science, Imperial College London and Shanghai University
•    Professor Christopher Hewitt
Pro-Vice Chancellor, Executive Dean and Professor of Biological Engineering, Aston University
•    Dr Graham Hoare OBE
Director – Global Engineering Operations, Ford Motor Company UK
•    Professor David Johnson
Director, DGauge Ltd
•    Professor David Jones
Pro-Vice Chancellor Education and Students, Queen’s University Belfast
•    Dr Raouf Kattan
Managing Director, Safinah Ltd
•    Dr Niel Kempson CB
Director General for Capability, UK Government
•    Professor Robin Langley
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Head of Division of Mechanics, Materials and Design, University of Cambridge
•    Professor Barry Lennox
Research Director Dalton Cumbrian Facility and Professor of Applied Control, University of Manchester
•    Professor Andrew Lewis
Director of Research & Development, Innovation, Biocompatibles UK Ltd
•    Peter Lomas
Director of Engineering, Norcott Technologies Ltd

•    Professor Kwai Man Luk
Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
•    Professor Rebecca Lunn MBE FRSE
Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde
•    John MacArthur
Vice President Group Carbon, Shell 
•    Professor Ricardo Martinez-Botas
Professor of Turbomachinery, Imperial College London
•    Paul McKinlay
Senior Vice President and Head of Broughton Plant, Airbus UK
•    Hilary Mercer
Vice President Pennsylvania Chemicals, Shell
•    Professor Andy Neely
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Enterprise and Business Relations, University of Cambridge
•    James O'Callaghan
Founding Director, Eckersley O'Callaghan
•    Brian Palmer
Chief Executive Officer, Tharsus Group Limited
•    Professor Thomas Rodden
Deputy CEO, EPRSC; Professor of Computing, University of Nottingham
•    Nicholas Rogers
Executive Director, Product Engineering, Jaguar Land Rover
•    Rob Spurrett
Founder and Director, Cherry Space Ltd
•    Alasdair Stirling CBE
Director Engineering Services, Naval Marine, Babcock International Group
•    Dr Peter Thompson
Chief Executive Officer, National Physical Laboratory
•    Professor Rachel Thomson
Professor of Materials Engineering and PVC for Teaching, Loughborough University
•    Professor Marco Viceconti
Professor of Biomechanics, University of Sheffield
•    Professor Jiangzhou Wang
Professor and Chair of Telecommunications, University of Kent
•    Dr Andrew Ward
Chief Technology Officer, Ubisense Limited
•    Professor Rachel Williams
Professor of Ophthalmic Bioengineering, University of Liverpool
•    Professor Graham Wren
Director of Major Projects and Special Adviser to the Principal, University of Strathclyde
•    David Wright
Director, Electricity Transmission, National Grid
•    Dr Richard Yemm
Director, Quoceant Ltd
•    Professor Paul Young
Professor of Geophysics, University of Toronto
•    Professor Ken Young
Technology Director, Manufacturing Technology Centre
•    Professor Zhibing Zhang
Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham
International Fellows
•    Professor Frances Arnold (USA)
Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry, California Institute of Technology
•    Professor Zhenya Liu (China)
Chairman, GEIDCO, Beijing 
•    Dr Harry Shum (USA)
Executive Vice President – AI & Research, Microsoft Corporation
•    Professor Ji Zhou (China)
Honorary Chairman, Governing Board of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)
Honorary Fellow

•    Philip Greenish CBE
Chair of Council, University of Southampton


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